For Educators
Are you looking for an author to inspire your students or organization?
I would love to visit your school, library, book club, camp, or group. I enjoy talking to kids of all ages (and grownups too!) on a wide variety of topics related to writing and publishing. I offer in-person and virtual visits in a variety of formats: presentations, workshops, and Q&A, and I can mix and match. I tailor the length of my visit and the focus of the presentation depending on your needs and the age of the audience.
Frequently Asked Questions
I usually do, and I’m happy to discuss ways to make things work within your budget. Please let me know if your school is a Title I School.
Yes! Here are some sample programs:
In this interactive presentation, we’ll discuss how imagining one change to our world can lead to a series of questions that enables us to develop a whole story. We’ll explore how simple questions allow us to approach world-building, character, setting, plot, and theme.
In this interactive presentation, we’ll discuss perspective and the inspiration behind my books. As my stories are told from multiple points of view, we’ll consider how writers develop different characters and express their voices. We’ll look at how everything from a character’s past experiences and future hopes to their sensory experiences shape who they are, and how an author can use tools like figurative language, sentence structure, and word choice to communicate each character’s perspective.
I can also present on a range of other topics, including:
The Craft of Writing
The Revision Process: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
The Path to Publication
Writing through Stressful Times
In all of my presentations, I talk about my path to becoming a writer, and I leave time for audience Q&A. For in-person events, I’ll sign books afterward and for virtual events, I’m happy to send you signed bookplates, if you’d like.
Typically, a presentation is 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the length of the question-and-answer period, though it can be longer we’re also incorporating a writing workshop. I can also do shorter programs, if you’d like; this can work well for younger kids or when there is only Q&A or a book club discussion. I can give multiple presentations in a day if you’re interested.
As long as you have the space for the students and the tools for me to present, I’m fine with any number of students, whether it’s a book club for an handful of students or an assembly for hundreds.
I find that my presentations are more exciting when students have read my books, so the best way to prepare is to share one or more of my books with your students and encourage them to think of questions they’d like to ask me: about the story, about writing, about what it means to be a professional author—whatever they’re curious about!
I don’t bring books to sell at events, but I find that students often love having a book for me to sign after presentations. It’s always great to support a local bookstore or distributor, and books can also be ordered from the publisher. Bookstores will often provide an advance order form that can be sent home with students so that the books will arrive at the school for the day of the event. Some bookstores offer school discounts, or even give a percentage of the sales to the school. All that said, book sales are not an expectation or requirement for a school visit—I am there to meet and encourage young readers and writers!
Absolutely! I have found this format works great for book clubs and informal Q&A, as well as more formal presentations, and am happy to discuss your needs.
Request a Visit
For more information on visits, please contact me here. It’s helpful if you can include whatever details you know at this time—for example, grade levels, number of presentations you’d like, possible dates.
If you are a student, please do not fill out this form. Instead, please ask your teacher or librarian if I can come to your school and they can contact me here.